- Does not create folders in "c:\" anymore
- CSVImportCli.exe works again
- The sorting by columns, when clicking on headers, did not work for some tables
- Will start on Windows XP platform again
- The settings "use sounds for problem notification" and "use status line for problem notification" are displayed correctly
- Project import now works, if the temp directory is on a different drive then the user dir
- States in separate SONARVIEW windows now refresh
- Filtered problems now update correctly
- Removed occasional "config conflict" flashes in the status line
- Led positions in SONARVIEW now match the positions of 2.7.1
- Operations on SONARVIEW maps issued via context menu, are now applied to the correct map
- "Save Project" now only asks for a file name instead of a path, because saving a project to a random location is not supported.
- In SONARVIEW you can now create more than one vertical tab to the right.
- SONARVIEW files don't get corrupted anymore, which lead to a SONARMANAGER crash at startup.
- Fixed a memory leak.
- Problems now show their correct acknowledgement state.
- Service Detail show long status info
- Problem history now updates correctly after new download
- Creates destination folders for config download or other file download agent commands
- Removed occasional "config conflict" flashes in the status line
- Config upload no longer fails, after adding new timeperiods to services
- Live monitoring now works with passive checks
- "Multi configuration download" works more reliable
- Table sorting is restored more reliably during sessions
- No config download necessary for Mib scan
- Performance data buttons not shown for ng appliances
- Characters "#" and "-" may be used in comments
- Operators can not use "downtime", "Enable notification", "enable active checks" and "enable event handler" anymore.
- Operators can not change options in "Acknowledge Problem" dialog
- Acknowledged passive services now display the correct icon
- Host/Service detail views now update the state correctly
New Features:
- Characters "-" and "#" can be used in comments now
- Introduced service property: "first_notification_delay"
- Errors during config download are shown in message boxes
- Door access logs can be viewed in a dialog, when downloaded
- Access Control Editor does not require downloaded configs for Operators
- Actions can be triggered, without having to download the config first
- The access control editor prevents updates, when only having read access
- The access control editor displays, who is locking the data file
- Action logs can be downloaded
- Operator access to acknowledge dialog checkboxes configurable in access control dialog after setup.
, multiple selections available,
The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
- style