The heading part of SONARMANAGER (main menu) contains the menu and button bar.
Menu bar
- The “File” menu provides options to create a new project, open or save an existing one. In this menu you can also import or export a project or close the currently open projects or the whole application (SONARMANAGER).
- The “Setup” menu allows the user to make or edit project settings. You can, for example, add appliance to a project or manage host or service templates. This menu is hidden, when the “Design Mode” is not activated.
- The “Autobackup” menu gives the option to use the Autobackup function. This menu is also hidden, when the “Design Mode” is not activated.
- The “Views” menu allows the user to select how the information should be displayed. You can choose here specific views of SONNARMANAGER (SONARVIEW, ...).
- The “Mode” menu allows the user to activate “Design Mode” and/or “View Mode Filter active” or to change the password to access to design mode in SONARMANAGER. Depending on what mode you activate, some menu items will be displayed or not. In design mode all functions of SONARMANAGER are available. If “View Mode Filter active” is enabled, only those hosts and services are displayed in the left section of the screen which have been defined in the “SONARVIEW” view.
- The “Help” menu contains some help tips such as how to import CSV and so on.
Button bar
The button bar represents shortcuts to some SONARMANAGER functionalities. Just move the mouse over the button to read the tooltips. For example, the user can switch to another view (Details, SONARVIEW and Topology) by clicking on a Button. Some specific views are also important by configuring SONARPLEX appliances (host view, flat view, parent host tree view, service view, host group view, dependencies view, escalations view).
, multiple selections available,
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