


A physical interface that connects to our system. Depending of its technology, it will be managed by a specific module like ModBusRTU or SNMP or maybe even a Camera. In this configuration we define all parameters to access the device throught the SiteController, for example Slave address, IP address, passwords, baud rate, etc.

At the moment we have the possibility to connect the following devices

  • ModBusRTU
  • ModBusTCP
  • SNMP
  • Trapd
  • PLCs
  • REST
On this page:

Example of an ModBusRTU configuration - ADAM 4501

Here we have an exmaple of an ModBusRTU configuration, while using an ADAM-4051 with 16 DI's. For the sensor configuration, please click here.

<component_template config_version="1.0" schema_version="1.0">
  <description>template_Adam_4051</description> 											# This is the general description respectivly the name of the Template.
        <sensor sensor_id="DI00"> 															# This is the name of the sensor as it will be shown in the Dashboard.
		<device device_id="ADAM-4051">														# Name of the device.				
      		<modbus_device pdu_addressing="false">											# Wheter or not, PDU addressing is turned on or off. Respectively if the register starts from 0 (true) or 1 (false).
                <modbus_rtu>																# What ModBus type we are using. Possible options are ModBusRTU and ModBusTCP.
                    <daemon_id>0</daemon_id>												# This is the serial interface to be used, configurable in the SiteController.cfg (See Link below).
                    <data_bits>8</data_bits>												# Databits used by the device (default is 8).
                    <stop_bits>1</stop_bits>												# Stopbits used by the device (default is 1).
                    <baud_rate>9600</baud_rate>												# Baudrate used by the device.
                    <parity>none</parity>													# Parity used by the device.
                    <slave_address>1</slave_address>										# Slave address used by the device.
                <sensor_gateway sensor_gateway_id="ADAM-4051" publish_strategy="on_change">	# Here we define the name of the gateway, so the sensor knows which one to use.
 																							# Additionally we can change how the sensor data will be sent to the server.
																							# Possible options: never, on_change, interval, always.
						<modbus>															# In some cases, it is required to use multiple gateways. Exmaple below.
                            <register_address>1</register_address>							# This is the the first register address of the device.
                            <register_count>16</register_count>								# Here we tell the system, how many registers the device has. In this case 16, because the Adam has 16 inputs.
                            <block_type>coils</block_type>									# Here we define what kind of type these registers are (Ex. coils, holding registers, input registers).
                            <polling_interval>200</polling_interval>						# Here we define how often the registers should be polled. The value 200, is equal to 0.2 seconds.
                                <retry retry_algorithm="linear"/>

Example of a ModBusTCP configuration - IFM AY1020

Here we have an example of a ModBusTCP configuration, using a IFM AY1020 IO-Link Master

<component_template config_version="1.0" schema_version="1.0">
  <description>template_AY1020</description> 											# This is the general description respectivly the name of the Template.
        <sensor sensor_id="AY1020-Port1-Bit0"> 															# This is the name of the sensor as it will be shown in the Dashboard.
		<device device_id="AY1020-IOLink-Master">											# Name of the device.
    		<modbus_device pdu_addressing="true">
      			<modbus_tcp>																# Definition of the ModBus typ we are using.
        			<address></address>										# IP address of the ModBus device.
          			<port>502</port>														# Port of the device (default ist 502).
          			<slave_address>1</slave_address>										# Slave address of the device.
      		<sensor_gateway publish_strategy="always" sensor_gateway_id="gw_AY1020-Port1">	# Here we define the name of the gateway, so the sensor knows which one to use.
            			<register_address>1000</register_address>							# This is the the first register address of the device.
              			<register_count>3</register_count>									# Here we tell the system, how many registers the device has.
              			<block_type>holding_registers</block_type>							# Here we define what kind of type these registers are (Ex. coils, holding registers, input registers).
              			<timeout>1000.0</timeout>											# Timeout value (1000 equals 1 second).
            			<polling_interval>1000</polling_interval>							# Here we define how often the registers should be polled. The value 1000, is equal to 1 second.
              			<retry retry_algorithm="linear"/>
        <sensor_gateway publish_strategy="always" sensor_gateway_id="gw_AY1020-Port2">
              			<retry retry_algorithm="linear"/>

Example of a ModBusTCP configuration - B&R X20BC0087

Here we have an example of a ModBusTCP configuration, using a B&R X20BC0087 ModBusTCP device.

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