

In case that you receive a new file with a new version of the system, the steps are the same that in the previous section. You just need to take into account to stop the Site Controller and the mosquitto broker (see Site Controller technical overview guide if you do not know how to perform these tasks). You will not need to reinstall the MQTT broker unless you received a new version as well. Proceed the same way for the installation of Site Controller

When upgrading the system, do not delete the installation folder. There you will find the backup of the former system, and we recommend you download it to a safe place before deleting the files.


Please be aware that the upgrading script will perform a compressed backup of all files in the system before proceeding with the installation, and it can take some time in the IR910. It is not rare that the backup takes up to 10-15 minutes before continuing with the installation.

It is recommended to flush the log file folder before the upgrade or at least clean out logs that are not necessary to save backup time.

# show all logs
ls -lah /mnt/data/azeti/SiteController/log
# delete all of the logs
rm /mnt/data/azeti/SiteController/log/*


Verify that there is a new version (see below: Main version of ...) and that the application is running right after the update. 

# /mnt/data/azeti/SiteController/run_SiteController.py status
Serial of this installation: Lab-Demo01
Main version of this installation: 1.1.0_(Build:895_fd622f9)
Checking installation ... OK.
ConfigProvider.py is running with PID (15170)
RawResultsDeMux.py is running with PID (15195)
CalibResultsEvaluator.py is running with PID (15206)
JobProcessor.py is running with PID (15219)
Watchdog.py is running with PID (15226)
imgfetcher.py is running with PID (15233)
cloudConnector.py is running with PID (15240)
HD2CloudExporter.py is running with PID (15247)
AutomationController.py is running with PID (15254)
VirtualSensorProvider.py is running with PID (15266)
ModbusDaemon/ModbusMaster.py is running with PID (15291)
UDPserver_AdvantechAdam60xx.py is running with PID (15305)
trapd.py is running with PID (15312)
snmpgetd.py is running with PID (15329)
persistord.py is running with PID (15336)
Mosquitto daemon is running with PID (15141)

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