Versions Compared


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  1. Ensure that you got docker-compose installed.

    Code Block
    root@ubuntu:~# which docker-compose
    root@ubuntu:~# docker-compose -v
    docker-compose version 1.7.1, build 0a9ab35
  2. Extract the installation files

    Code Block
    ~/Downloads ❯❯❯ unzip
      inflating: demo/
  3. Execute and follow the instructions. It will automatically pull the required images and files from the azeti repository and set up the basic system.

    Code Block
    ~/Downloads/demo ❯❯❯ ./
    For this script to work, you need credentials for the DockerHub and you must have read access to the Azeti Organization!
    Enter DockerHub username and press [ENTER]:

Initial Setup

Organization Setup

  1. Open a web browser at http://<IP Address of Docker Host>
  2. The setup wizard will guide you through the creation of the initial Organization and Super Admin User

    Image Removed


    Create a screenshot to memorize the Organization Short Name, Super Admin User and credentials as these are required further on.

WebSocket Configuration

The Web browser of the clients retrieve data through WebSocket protocol. This requires a server side setting matching the IP address of your new azeti Engine.

  1. Login to the Control Panel, e.g. (change URL to match your IP address) as Super Admin (user you've created initially).
  2. Open System Parameters and search for
  3. Change the parameter to match your Docker Hosts IP address
    Image Removed

License Upload

Fresh installations of the azeti Engine come without a valid license and will not allow to add further sites.

Image Removed

  1. To upload a license login as Super Admin
  2. Open License
  3. Click + Add and enter the license key without any trailing or leading white spaces and blanks.
    Image Removed
  4. The License Status will change to OK if everything went good

Site Controller Software Upload

This step is optional but recommended. You can do this at a later stage if you don't have the necessary software package at hand. Template validation inside of the Control Panel requires a version of the Site Controller software you'll be using in your environment. It contains the XSD file required for the validation process.

  1. Login as Administrator into the Control Panel
  2. Open Config/Provisioning → Controller Software → Software Packages
  3. Upload the software package, click + Add
  4. The package will be listed after a successful upload.
    Image Removed


    You can download the package at any time by clicking the Image Removed button besides the Version column.

Docker Stack Administration


Docker will not rotate container logfiles automatically. This can cause high disk usages and large amount of log file data. Check with your Docker Administrator if any log rotation is already configured. Below is an easy approach (based upon this article) for regular rotation using logrotate.

  1. Create a new Logrotate config file in /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container
  2. Enter the below configuration

    Code Block
    var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log {
      rotate 7
  3. Start logrotate with the new configuration

    Code Block
    logrotate -fv /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container

Next Steps


This article describes the approach further and the above config was found in this good article from Sandro Keil. Read this very good RedHat article for further information on how to identify large docker logs, clear them up and rotate files.

Next Steps


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