This section allow users to create different reports
In this part you can create a report by following the indicated steps. After that, a state history for a service or a host, depending on what you choose, will be displayed.
This part contains information about the service level agreement (SLA) as reporting in HTML format. The SLA ensures the agreed quality of performance and is a detailed description of the scope of services. Click on a contact to view a SLA report. You can configure whether SLA information should be saved (Administration Web Interface > Configuration > Sytem > SLA) and configure which contact receive SLA reports in Accounts.
In this part you can create an availability report by following the indicated steps. The host state breakdowns will be displayed percentagewise.
Alert Histogram
This part allows the users to create histogram reports by following the indicated steps. An event history for the selected host or service will be displayed.
Alert History
Here it will be listed the history of services alert.
Alert Summary
In this part you can create a summary report. You can either create a standard report or customize your report. Most recent alerts will be displayed.
Notifications contained in the selected log files will be showed here.
Event Log
In this part you can run through the log files. The information about all events contained in the selected log file will be displayed.
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