Status Delivery Configuration for Distributed Monitoring

Status Delivery Configuration for Distributed Monitoring

Distributed Monitoring and Integration Interfaces offers several ways to build remotely distributed environments and to integrate into 3rd party software. Different delivery methods are supported.

  • azeti Status and Alert Delivery via the azeti Agent, used for SONARPLEX to SONARPLEX environments
  • Alert delivery via SNMP Traps, often used for integration into higher level NOC software

Please check the How-To Setup Distributed Monitoring guide for example configurations.

Below are the different settings explained.



Deliver Status at regular base

Globally enables the status file delivery. The interval parameters have no impact when the delivery is deactivated here.
Delivery Interval in Minutes (Heartbeat)Interval in minutes between each status delivery. This interval is taken when the last delivery was successful, if not the retry interval takes action
Retry Frequency in MinutesThe frequency in minutes used for retrying the delivery when an attempt failed.
Retry AttemptsNumber of retries after a failed delivery. The normal delivery interval is taken if these retries are exceeded.
Deliver Performance Data

Activate/deactivate performance data delivery the NOC.
Do not store performance data locallyDeactivates local performance data storing.
Destination Host (NOC)IP address of the device to which the status has to be sent.
Destination HA Host (NOC Backup - optional)IP address of a secondary destination. This will be taken if the first destination is not reachable.
Destination Agent PortTCP Port number of the destinations azeti Agent. Default installations use 4192.
Destination Agent Passwordazeti Agent password for the destinations.
Default service output upon transfer problemsDefault output string for passive services at NOC after freshness threshold time has been elapsed.
Default service state upon transfer problemsDefault service state for passive services at NOC after freshness threshold time has been elapsed.

Retain state on outdated services


Option for controlling NOC behavior. It controls service status and plugin output of all NOC services based on current satellite SONARPLEX.

  • Unchecked (no) - Whenever an appropriate passive check representing a satellite service has reached freshness threshold time, the configured failover options (plugin output, state) will be activated.
  • Checked (yes) - Last known service state and plugin output remain unchanged. Plugin output in particular will be extended by timestamp of last regular delivery. In order to keep the ability to get noticed about delivery problems, one additional service will be created for current satellite at NOC named -DELIVERY-STATE-.
Deliver following events as Traps

Every selected type will be sent as SNMP trap to the configured destination

  • Service Alerts
  • Host Alerts
  • Service Notifications
  • Host Notifications
  • Admin Notifications
  • Acknowledgements
  • Downtimes
  • Suppress SOFT state alerts

Select Suppress SOFT state alerts to only sent HARD state alerts. See Technology Overview for an explanation about state types.

Trap Destination(s)Destination addresses for SNMP traps. Separate multiple by a comma like, example.com:8099
Trap Community StringCommunity string for trap receivers, currently every destination must have the same community
Debug LevelDebug Log Level
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