Connection between PLC - S7- LAN- adapter - Machina Gate; troubleshooting guide

Connection between PLC - S7- LAN- adapter - Machina Gate; troubleshooting guide

This article describes how you can get a connection, a TSAP list and symbols from a PLC in usage of a Machina Gate and a S7-LAN-Adapter.

Set your S7 LAN- adapter correctly 

  • Connect your S7-LAN-adapter to your computer
  • go to your web browser and go to the IP address of your S7 LAN Adapter (default =
  • check that the S7-LAN Adapter are in the correct network and subnetmask as the second interface of the Machina Gate
  • please follow How to change the IP address on an S7-Lan adapter

Important S7 Lan adapter settings

Always in Bus: please activate this option, makes the connection much faster

Use bus config from PC: in my test cases it makes no difference, you will have a good connection with or without this setting

Baudrate: very important! Check your Baudrate in your SIEMENS settings / TIA Portal settings! The settings have to be the same there as here.

Highest station address: important! You will get a TSAP list in all station addresses, but it has to be the same there as here. If there are different addresses, it takes a lot of time to get a TSAP list.

PG/PC is the only master: important! deactivate this option. If you are using a PLC you can be sure that the PLC is the master.

S7 LAN settingsSIEMENS TIA Portal settings

TIA Portal settings

You can also change the settings in TIA Portal, but it makes more sense to adjust the S7- LAN- Adapter settings.

The PG communication, OP communication or S7 basic communication does not have an influence to the connection between the PLC, the S7- LAN- Adapter and the cloud.

The parameter "S7 basic communication" indicates with how many participants the PLC has to communicate.

I tested it with CPUs from SIEMENS: S7 313C and SIEMENS S7 315F.

Scenario 1: Get a TSAP list from the PLC which is connected over the S7- LAN- adapter to the Machina Gate; without network switch

  1. adjust your network settings on your Machina Gate

    • log in on the Machina Gate 
    • connect your Machina Gate to your company network switch on the first ethernet interface

    • check your network settings 

    • the IP address of the first ethernet interface of the Machina Gate must be in a different network as the second ethernet interface
    • The IP- address of the 2nd interface could be e.g. 172.16.xxx.xxx

    • you can change the settings in

      sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
  2. Set your S7 LAN- adapter correctly 

    • Connect your S7-LAN-adapter to your computer and check that the S7-LAN- adapter are in the same network and subnetmask as the second interface of the Machina Gate

    • please follow the instruction on the top of this documentation

  3. connect the S7- LAN- adapter to the second interface of Machina Gate
    • now you can check the connection from Machina Gate to S7- LAN- adapter 

    • after that you should have a solid connection between your Machina Gate and your S7-LAN-adapter

    • connect your S7- LAN- adapter with your PLC over the MPI interface

  4. get a TSAP list

    • log in on azeti.cloud.net  

    • go to → Management → PLC Setup → Init PLC
    • fill the IP adress of the S7-LAN-adapter, also if your PLC has an own IP- address

    • get a TSAP list (if there is an error, look at the bottom "Troubeshooting")
    • if you have a SIEMENS S7-300 or a S7-400 you can NOT get symbols by click on "GET Symbols" → "Request Symbols for Unselected" !
    • if you have a SIEMENS S7-300 or a S7-400 you have to create a .symbol file by Tani "Symbolimport S7"
    • load your .symbol file up to the cloud by click on "SET Symbols", after that you can click on "GET Symbols" → "Request Symbols for Unselected"

Scenario 2: Get TSAP from the PLC which is connected to a network switch

  • connect your computer to your company network

  1. adjust your network settings on your Machina Gate

    • log in on the Machina Gate 
    • connect your Machina Gate to your company network switch on the first ethernet interface

    • check your network settings 

    • you can change the settings in

      sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
  2. Set your S7 LAN- adapter correctly 

    • Connect your S7-LAN-adapter to your computer and check that the S7-LAN- adapter are in the same network and subnetmask as the first interface of the Machina Gate

    • please follow the instruction on the top of this documentation

  3. connect the S7- LAN- adapter to your company network
    • now you can check the connection from Machina Gate to S7- LAN- adapter 

    • after that you should have a solid connection between your Machina Gate and your S7-LAN-adapter

    • connect your S7- LAN- adapter with your PLC over the MPI interface

  4. get a TSAP list

    • log in on azeti.cloud.net  

    • go to → Management → PLC Setup → Init PLC
    • fill the IP adress of the S7-LAN-adapter, also if your PLC has an own IP- address

    • get a TSAP list (if there is an error, look at the bottom "Troubeshooting")
    • if you have a SIEMENS S7-300 or a S7-400 you can NOT get symbols by click on "GET Symbols" → "Request Symbols for Unselected" !
    • if you have a SIEMENS S7-300 or a S7-400 you have to create a .symbol file by Tani "Symbolimport S7"
    • load your .symbol file up to the cloud by click on "SET Symbols", after that you can click on "GET Symbols" → "Request Symbols for Unselected"

Troubleshooting if an connection error occurs

  • check the settings of the S7- LAN- Adapter

    • is “mode” DP or MPI? On SIEMENS S7 connections you should have a MPI connection!
    • is "Enable DHCP" deactivated?
    • are you using the correct IP address? The IP address may only be assigned once in your network
    • is the subnetmask (scenario 1) the same as the 2nd ethernet of Machina Gate or (scenario 2) the same as your company?
    • is “Always in the bus” activated?

    • are you using the correct Baudrate? Compare with your SIEMENS settings in TIA Portal!

    • is the highest station address correct? Compare with your SIEMENS settings in TIA Portal!

    • "PG/PC is the only master" must be disabled

  • check the settings of the Machina Gate

    • log in to your Machina Gate

    • check the subnetmask and the IP address of the interfaces
    • check if you have a connection to the S7- LAN- adapter

    • check if you have a connection to the cloud

      sudo /opt/azeti/SiteController/run_SiteController.py status
    • if not, look at your configuration file:

      sudo nano /opt/azeti/SiteController/config/SiteController.cfg
    • restart the SiteController 

      sudo nano /opt/azeti/SiteController/run_SiteController.py restart
    • check the follow settings 

      organization name
    • check the DeviceConfig.ini

      sudo nano /etc/Tani/DeviceConfig.ini
      • there should be 2 default entries:
      • Check the follow parameter

      • there should be a third entry with your connection which you set on the cloud
      • if there are more entries of other connections, you can delete these connections

  • Check your SIEMENS settings to compare with the S7- LAN- adapter

    • in my test case it has no influence if the S7- Basic communication =0 or =1, the default value is ‘0', try it and check a '1’

    • this parameter indicates with how many participants the PLC has to communicate

    • check the "Transmission speed" / Baudrate
    • check the "Highest address"

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