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azeti Engine Demo from Docker Container

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The whole azeti Engine application stack can be demoed using the azetiCloud demoBundle leveraging docker to virtualize the whole stack. The process itself is pretty straight forward - consultants send customers the and the customer only needs to extract it and setup the Vagrant VM.

On this page:


Technical prerequisites for customer

For running the DockerDemo the host needs to have the following pre-requisites:

  • recent installation of Vagrant (1.7+) (it is freely available from
  • Windows 7+, OS X 10.10+
  • administrative privileges are required for installing Vagrant and running it
  • Vagrant runs on a separate network interface, one has to make sure, that this special interface (usually having IP: is not firewalled; furthermore without further configuration it cannot be reached from the local network
  • for Linux/Ubuntu the DockerDemo can be run directly, but you need to have a very recent version of the DockerEngine (1.11+) and DockerCompose (1.7+) and you have to make sure, that there are no conflicting applications running, because usually they get bridged to localhost.

Administrative prerequisites for customer

The customer needs to have a DockerHub ( account, and this account has to be a member of the Azeti organization ( to access the private DockerImages from Azeti. 

Administrative prerequisites for consultant

Basically you need to get hold of the latest demoBundle; it is automatically built and tagged with the corresponding version numbers of the whole stack. The demo bundle can be downloaded from the in-house private Nexus at: This site is only available from inside the Azeti network (or via VPN) and you need Nexus credentials.

Choosing the Installation Way

Vagrant or Docker directly?

Vagrant is a great way to spin up machines easily directly on your windows laptop or macbook. It relies on VirtualBox or other hypervisors, see the online docs. If you are searching for a way to install it on an existing Linux server, e.g. to demo it on a fair or for a short project, you probably want to install a docker-host and use it natively. Go to the next section then, see azeti Engine Demo from Docker Container

Installation the Vagrant-Way

  • make sure all pre-requisites are met
  • extract (e.g., it will expand into a demo folder
  • change to this folder, open a command prompt / terminal there and run 

    vagrant up
  • it might take some time and will prompt for your DockerHub credentials (username, passwort) and hit Enter

    Username for DockerHub: customerusername
    Password for DockerHub: allyoursecretsarebelongtous
  • for the first time a lot of files need to be downloaded (2.5 GB) so be patient

  • after a while you should see something like 

    Demo has been successfully deployed!
  • then you can open your browser at

Vagrant Usage

Starting and Stopping

Simply stop the Vargrant VM, either via VirtualBox or (being in the demo folder) for stopping:

vagrant halt

For starting: 

vagrant up


The demo stack can be easily updated without losing data, because it just depends on the private azeti/tomcat-data image, that has the latest releases. For updating you need to login in to the Vagrant VM (password + username are both vagrant) and call the update script 

vagrant ssh
sudo -s
cd /bootstrapping


The whole stack can seamlessly uninstalled by either removing the Vagrant VM from VirtualBux or (being in the demo folder): 

vagrant destroy

 This will destroy and purge all your data!

Installation on an existing Docker Hosts

Ensure that you got docker-compose installed. See the docs on how to install it.

root@ubuntu:~# which docker-compose
root@ubuntu:~# docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.7.1, build 0a9ab35

Installation on Docker-enabled environments is the fastest way; just open a Bash shell in the demo folder and run.


Demo Stack Usage

The demo stack comes with a collection of admin scripts which basically wrap around docker-compose. Change into the demo directory to access the scripts.

azeti@ubuntu:~/demo$ ll
total 48
-rwxr-xr-x 1 azeti azeti  101 May 31 17:40*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 azeti azeti   99 May 31 17:40*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 azeti azeti  915 May 31 17:40*

Starting and Stopping

Use the start and stop script.

azeti@ubuntu:~/demo$ sudo ./
Stopping the full stack...
Stopping sscdemo_influxdb_1 ... done
Stopping sscdemo_db_1 ... done

Same for starting it up again.

azeti@ubuntu:~/demo$ sudo ./
Starting the full stack...
Starting influxdb_data ... done
Starting db_data ... done
Starting db ... done
Starting influxdb ... done


You can eaisly update the full stack with the script, it does a {{docker-compose

azeti@ubuntu:~/demo$ sudo ./
Enter DockerHub username and press [ENTER]: 
Enter DockerHub password and press [ENTER]: 
Login Succeeded
Stopping the full stack...
Stopping sscdemo_tomcat_1 ... done
Stopping sscdemo_activemq_1 ... done
Stopping sscdemo_influxdb_1 ... done
Stopping sscdemo_db_1 ... done
Pulling tomcat (azeti/tomcat-data:latest)...
latest: Pulling from azeti/tomcat-data
8b87079b7a06: Already exists
Starting sscdemo_db_data_1
...Starting activemq ... done
Starting tomcat ... done


So far there have not been any problems yet. (smile)

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