You can create different time periods or delete existing time periods for monitoring hosts or services. You can, for example, monitor a host for 24 hours and enable alarms only for your service hours agreed by contract. In that case you do not receive any message outside your service hours. However, two time periods are predefined by the system. They cannot be deleted:

  • Time period "24x7 (defined by systemalways)" = A 24-hour time period.
  • Time period "none (defined by systemnever)" = A 0-hour time period which means that there are no monitoring or messages.


  1. Open the 
    Insert excerpt
     > Configuration > Setup > Timeperiods
  2. Click an existing entry to change it or click “Create new timeperiod” to define a new time period
  3. Click on Image Added to save and apply the changes.

The following describes the setting for a time period in detail.


Create time periods in a 24-hour format. Proceed as follows to enter a time period from 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.:

  • 00:00–2400-24:00

Breaks or interruptions for the time period are defined as follows:

  • 08:00–1200-12:30,13:00–1700-17:00

    Seperate the different times by using a comma without any blanks 

In the example above, the time period defined from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. is interrupted for half an hour at 12:30 p.m.